Adama Home&Garden Ferramol Bait Snailicide PFnPO is a ready-to-use molluscicide in the form of ferric phosphate granular bait. It effectively fights slugs and snails that cause serious damage to floral and ornamental plants, both potted and in the ground, grown in the home, balcony, and garden. The bait has high attractiveness to all snails and slugs, and due to this characteristic, the mollusks, attracted by the bait, leave their natural shelters. Rainfall, watering or wet weather, which are favorable conditions for snail and slug activity, have no influence on efficacy as the mechanism of action of the product does not involve dehydration of the snails. In addition, feeding blockage is not accompanied by slime emission, so there is no foul odor or slime residue around or on plants.