An innovative, engaging and fun game to experience and improve upper and lower limb motor coordination in a simple and intuitive way, learn basic rhythmic and musical elements, alone or in company, and, at the same time, develop concentration, improve attention, memory, self-esteem, psychomotor coordination, musical instinct and cognitive skills.
The game
The game cards allow you to choose the musical rhythm you want to adopt for the game, based on the rhythm you choose you arrange the cards to form a sequence, each card corresponds to a beat, while groups of 2,3 or 4 cards form a beat. Each colored template corresponds to a body movement. Each round is played by taking turns performing, from start to finish, the score that was created with the cards. Players try to perform the sequence, matching each beat with the corresponding gesture. Increase the speed and whoever makes a mistake is eliminated!
Body percussion
The game is based on the techniques of body percussion, which consist of creating rhythmic-musical figures by playing one's body. Originating in the 1980s, thanks to the work of percussionist Keith Terry, Body Percussion has involved musicians from all over the world, and today it is also used in schools and various educational settings because, in addition to keeping rhythm, it teaches people to listen to the movement of their own bodies.
An inclusive game
Body Percussion is an excellent educational tool, can help integration in a group and is an excellent channel for conveying emotions: the gesture is not only movement and sound but also an elaborate set of emotions and feelings. People who have difficulty relating to their bodies may have the opportunity to experience them in a more positive and creative way. In addition, play educates to recognize and distinguish tempos in music, movements rhythmic figures.