Biocobre 30+30 is a foliar fertilizer based on Copper Oxide and Zinc Oxide.
The perfect balance of the two nutrients makes the product especially suitable for plants that exhibit deficiencies of the two nutrients.
The micronized particles, adhering perfectly to the leaves, are able to slowly release the amount of copper and zinc over time at the times when the plant needs them most.
Considering the high persistence of cuprous oxide, it is recommended to observe at least 15 days between application of the product and the use of organic fertilizers (amino acid algae, etc.).
Do not use the product on varieties that are poorly tolerant to copper and zinc.
Doses and methods of use
Product to be used for foliar fertilization.
Doses per 100 liters:
Cereals: 500 g/ha at tillering. If the deficiency is high, apply a second dose at the beginning of the "botticella" stage.
Elevy: 100-125 g.
Vine: 100-125 g.
Greens (excluding lemon): 100 g before flowering, not exceeding the dose of 1.5 kg/ha.
Other crops (only in case of obvious deficiency, preliminary phytotoxicity testing is recommended): 100-125 g, not exceeding a dose of 0.5 kg/ha.