SPRUZIT READY-USE INSECTTICIDE PFnPO is a liquid formulation to be used as a contact insecticide against pests of apartment and balcony ornamental and floral plants. It is characterized by good efficacy to control numerous pests of ornamental and floral house and balcony plants, including: aphids, red spider (e.g., Tetranychus urticae), thrips (e.g., Parthenothrips dracaenae), whiteflies (e.g. Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Bemisia tabaci), various mealybugs (e.g., Planococcus citri), and leafhoppers.
Dose and mode of use
To be used only on indoor or balcony plants; do not use on ornamental garden plants (grown in pots or in the ground).
SPRUZIT READY-TO-USE INSETTICIDE PFnPO comes packaged with a mechanical pressure sprayer equipped with an adjustable spray jet that allows easy and quick distribution of the product.
At the beginning of the infestation or at the appearance of the first symptoms direct the spray towards the plant to be treated and carry out spraying over the entire vegetation until completely wet, including the underside of the leaves.
Repeat the treatment 2 times after 3 days for mealybugs and whiteflies. For sucking insects or red spider 2 treatments are usually sufficient.
Treatment interval generally: 7 days for sucking insects (aphids and leafhoppers), red spider, larvae of defoliating lepidoptera (e.g. Tortrix and Noctule), beetles, weevils, chrysomelids and sawfly, 3 days for whiteflies and mealybugs.
Maximum 4 treatments per year.
Do not use in direct sunlight or high temperatures (preferably in the evening hours).
Do not apply when bees, bumblebees, butterflies or other pollinators are present.
The product also is dangerous to populations of beneficial arthropods in case of direct contact.
Do not use in windy weather.
Do not use in mixture with other plant protection products or with adjuvants to plant protection products, fertilizers, corroborants or other plant care products.
Do not use the product on Euphorbia pulcherrima (poinsettia). Brown spots may occur on leaves on Lantana camara and ferns. Beniamine plants and ferns may show symptoms of phytotoxicity. It is advisable to test on individual plants before treating large numbers of them.
Ministry of Health Registration No. 12691 of 26/05/2005