EC mineral-compounded NPK fertilizer 12.12.17 + 2 MgO + 14 SO3 + 0.02 B + 0.01Zn. Granular reaction granular fertilizer with low chlorine content.
Granular fertilizer with a balanced ratio of macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) that can best meet the complex nutritional needs of all horticultural crops, grown both in the open field and in a protected environment (at planting, transplanting and during the maintenance phase). Distinctive feature is the presence of a significant amount of nitrate nitrogen, of very fast assimilation, ideal when a prompt burst of energy is required, for example, to stimulate rapid development in post-transplanting or to support intense vegetative and productive growth. The high potassium content (a very important element for all horticultural crops, particularly bell pepper, tomato, eggplant) increases the sugar content of the produce (making crops more colorful and storable), as well as increasing resistance to environmental adversity and some cryptogamic diseases. The significant supply of phosphorus promotes, at transplanting, the more harmonious development of the root system, as well as increasing the quality of the yields (especially "root" vegetables, such as carrot, potato, radish, fennel). Supplementation with magnesium (essential for chlorophyll photosynthesis) and sulfur, which is important in the formation of aromas and fragrances (a characteristic sought especially in aromatic essences, onion and garlic) because it enters into the constitution of some proteins and essential oils. The total absence of chlorine also allows safe use on "chlorosensitive" crops, such as potato, tomato, onion, leafy vegetables and young seedlings in general.
Method of use - Distribute by scattering or with a spreader, preferably during cooler hours. In localized applications, when possible, bury lightly. Water thoroughly after each application.
Dose and period of use
Seeding - at soil preparation, distribute evenly 20-30 grams per sq. m. by lightly burying;
Transplanting - distribute evenly in the furrow 30-40 grams per linear meter or 3-4 grams per pothole (one teaspoon). Before transplanting, cover the fertilizer with a very light layer of soil so as to avoid direct contact with the roots;
Maintenance - apply throughout the vegetative and productive phase, beginning about two weeks after planting or transplanting. Locate the application in the inter-rows; bury lightly and water;
Fruiting strawberries and vegetables (such as pomedoro, bell bell pepper, eggplant, zucchini, squash, melon and cucumber) - every 30 days at a dose of 30-40 grams per sq. m.;
Folive vegetables (such as lettuce, radicchio, escarole, celery, spinach, arugula, lamb's lettuce) - every 15 days at a dose of 15-20 grams per sq. m. Discontinue fertilization one week before harvest;
Aromatic plants (such as basil, marjoram, lemon balm, mint, tarragon, sage, thyme, rosemary) - every 15 days at a dose of 15-20 grams per sq. m.
Leguminous vegetables (such as fava bean, snap bean, green bean, pea) - every 30 days at a dose of 15-20 grams per sq. m;
Bulb and root vegetables (such as potato, radish, carrot, fennel, garlic, onion) - every 30 days (one fertilization for radish) at a dose of 30-40 grams per sq. m.;
stem and inflorescence vegetables (such as artichoke, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli cabbage, savoy cabbage) - every 30 days at a dose of 30-40 grams per sq m.