Our SJ Gang 2-Zip Maxi Pouch is the perfect choice for students who want to carry all the school supplies they need. My two compartments are spacious and come with everything you need to complete your work. My graphics are colorful and will make the school experience that much more fun. They are a perfect match for a SJ Gang backpack or trolley. Choose our SJ Gang 2-zip Maxi Pouch and you will be ready for your next school adventure.Size: 25 x 19 x 5 cmCONTAINS 63 PIECES: 24 Mina 4 color crayons.0 SEVEN COLOUR CODE, 18 SEVEN COLOUR CODE washable markers, 12 Maxi markers, 1 Blue erasable pen, 1 Red erasable pen, 1 COLOUR CODE graphite pencil, 1 COLOUR CODE eraser, 1 COLOUR CODE 2-hole barrel sharpener, 1 COLOUR CODE glue stick, 1 Transparent ruler, 1 Transparent square, 1 Metal scissor with plastic handle.Pockets: Double compartmentFabric: Polyester