Corroborating Roris Greenforce Soft Soap - Ready at the Moment - Sap
Product Details
Marca: Linfa
Weight: 0,10 kg
Composition: Soft soap based on si potassium fatty acids (5 g/L)
Features: Formulated on the basis of potassium salts of fatty acids of exclusively plant origin, capable of activating the natural defenses of plants against stresses of various kinds (corroborative action) and improving their resistance against soft-bodied animal pests, particularly the juvenile forms of Aphids, Aleurodidae, Mites, Leafhoppers, Psyllids, Thrips, Cochineal neanids, bug neanids, and Tentredin larvae. Biodegradable, its high cleansing and degreasing power also has the ability to clean vegetation from the soiling caused by insects, especially honeydew, preventing the occurrence of pathogenic fungi, such as fumigants, which cause blackening of leaves by limiting photosynthesis.
Approved for use in organic farming in accordance with Regulations (EC) No. 834/2007 and No. 889/2008 as amended and supplemented.
Ranges of use: The product is used during the entire vegetative and productive cycle on fruit, vegetable, aromatic, floral and ornamental crops.
contains 4 vials of 5 ml
corresponding to 1.2 lt of ready-to-use product
Dilute the single-dose vial in the jar just before use so that the product can always be used fresh and at maximum effectiveness.