Composition - Copper metal (in the form of copper sulfatotribasic) 15.2% (=195 g/L) in a concentrated suspension.Characteristics - Distinguishing characteristic of tribasic copper sulfate from other cupric salts is its efficacy at low application doses, which results in increased selectivity with reduced residues in soil, vegetation, fruit and wine. Another very important propertyfrom the application and commercial point of view are the low deficiency times for horticultural crops (only 3 days). Characterized by extremefine particle size, Tribase has excellent coating power on vegetationand improved readiness for action, persistence and resistance to leaching.Method and dose of use-Shake well before use. Stem the dose in a little waterand, always under agitation, bring to the required volume. Apply preventively,at the appearance of climatic conditions conducive to disease development. Sprayuniformly the vegetation.Crops, pests combated and application rates per 10 liters of waterVINE - Downy mildew, Black-rot: 30-50 ml. Intervene every 7-10 days after acinia formation 20 days after harvest. In case of strong attack stick to the maximum dose and reduce the treatment interval.APPLE, PEAR, COTOGEN - Scab, Copper Cankers, Nectria, Bacteriosis: 30 ml in spring-summer treatments before flowering; 70-80 ml in autumn-winter treatments.NESPOLO - Scab: 30-40 ml in vegetative treatments until before flowering.PEACH, CHERRY, SUSINO, ALMOND - Corineus, Fusicus, Blister, Monilia, Copper Cankers:70-80 ml. Fall-winter treatments on plants in full vegetative rest until bud opening begins; Bacterial cancers:60-70 ml. Treatments at leaf fall.ACTINIDIA - Bacterial blight: 60-80 ml. Treatments at bud enlargement and at leaf fall.AGRUMES - Dry rot, Allupination, Slug blight, Anthracnose, Bacteriosis: 50-60 ml. Intervene beforeand after flowering depending on the severity of the attack.OLIVE TREES - Peacock's eye, Slug blight, Leprosy, Heartworm, Bacteriosis: 50-60 ml. Fall treatments,in pre-bloom or in vegetation.WALNUT - Anthracnose: 65 ml. Intervene in vegetation with spring treatments;Bacteriosis (collateral action): 20-30 ml in spring-summer treatments.TOMATO, APPLE, SPINACIO, COAST AND LEAF BIETOLA, LETTUCE AND HERBFRESH, CABBAGE, CUCUMBER, SAGE, BEAN, PEAK, ONION, GARLIC AND SCALLOVEOPERonospora. Alternaria, Septoria, Cladosporiosis, Anthracnose, Rusts, Bremia, Cercospora, Phoma,side action on Sclerotina: 30-40 ml. Begin applications at the occurrence of conditions favorable to disease development, continuing at 7-12 day intervals depending on weather and vegetation development. For transplanted crops begin applications after transplanting, repeating them at intervals of 7-12 days; Bacteriosis: 40-50 ml.POTATO - Downy mildew, Bacteriosis, Alternaria: 60 ml per 100 sq. m. In vegetation, upon verification of climatic conditions predisposing to fungal attack.STRAWBERRY - Smallpox, Red-brown spot, Bacteriosis (Xanthomonas fragariae): 50 ml in autumn-winter treatments until before flowering; one application, at a dosage of 35 ml in the period between flowering and harvest.FLORAL, ORNAMENTAL - Scab, Downy mildew, Rust, Septoria, Sclerotinia,Anthracnose, Bacteriosis: 30-40 ml. In vegetation, starting treatments when favorable climatic conditions for disease development occur. For roses, check varietal selectivity in advance.FORESTAL - Copper cankers: 40-50 ml. In vegetation, starting treatments at the occurrence of climatic conditions favorable to disease development.CUPPER - Cancer: 50-60 ml. In midwinter at higher doses and in spring-summer treatments.Phytotoxicity - Do not treat during flowering. Do not treat stunted plants during severe temperature fluctuations. On peach, plum and the labeled apple and pear varieties, the product may be phytotoxic when distributed in full vegetation.In such cases, its use after full vegetative recovery is not recommended.Deficiency Period - 3 days for horticultural crops; 20 days for other crops